Elite Alliance Guild Rules

2. Must be at least 15 years or older, unless you are already in the guild.
3. Do not ask to be an officer the instant you join. Not only is it annoying, but the GM must be able to trust you before she feels you may become an officer.
4. Do not be rude to other guild members. Common courtesy.
5. If you have a problem with another guild member, Please notify the GM or an officer, and they will take care of it.
6. No reporting Guild Members, No exceptions!
7. Have fun! :)

Elite Alliance Officer Rules

1. No deleting ANYONE without speaking to the GM first!
2. Only invite those who talk, are willing to help out others and understand we dont want drama in the guild.
3. Send them to this blog before guilding them, they must leave their signature on the blog Titled Rule agreement.
4. Check age, 15 is the limit.
5. Any concerns you have please speak to the GM. Thank you :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome all new guildies!

Welcome all new recruits! thank you for joining our Elite Alliance! If you need help with anything just ask the guild and the guild master (myself), officers, and even members will be happy to help you =) any questions or concerns just leave a comment here and i will get back to you =)
Also, Please read all the guild rules and sign the agreement at the bottom of the site. Thanks guys!

Happy pirating all! 


Your guild master, Ashleigh


  1. soo...i randomly googled my name for fun and found it very random and odd that I stumbled upon your blog site. Your birthday is the same as mine the day, month and year...and we spell our name the same, which isn't common. Just thought it was quite random and figured i'd let you know u have something in common with someone :)

  2. haha wow that is odd!! same birthday and name! craziness =)
    that's cool tho!

  3. I would like sammiches and pancakes available on all crusies. These delicacies should be served by scantiliy clad wominz...these same womeniz shall give foot and back rubs at my descretion. This is a badly needed service and I believe it needs to be addressed. Also i would like to point out that the restrooms are in terrible shape. A guy needs a decent place to take a poo..It's hard to relax when there are rodents and vermin scampering about... TIA Chubs...

  4. hahahahahahaha

    Chubs lol

    Sorry about the bathrooms but i told your aunties and uncles to stop scampering around the floor but they just don't listen. Maybe you can get Joe to hold your hand while you are pooping then it might be more relaxing for you.
    I guess we can make more sammiches and pancakes for you. I will make the food in my scantily red dress and Arby can give you your foot and back rubs whenever you please because i just don't touch nasty things like that :) lol, but please remember to tip a bag of booty on the way out. Thanks for being such a concerned and caring customer and I myself will make sure all these matters are addressed :)

    Love, Punkin
