Elite Alliance Guild Rules

2. Must be at least 15 years or older, unless you are already in the guild.
3. Do not ask to be an officer the instant you join. Not only is it annoying, but the GM must be able to trust you before she feels you may become an officer.
4. Do not be rude to other guild members. Common courtesy.
5. If you have a problem with another guild member, Please notify the GM or an officer, and they will take care of it.
6. No reporting Guild Members, No exceptions!
7. Have fun! :)

Elite Alliance Officer Rules

1. No deleting ANYONE without speaking to the GM first!
2. Only invite those who talk, are willing to help out others and understand we dont want drama in the guild.
3. Send them to this blog before guilding them, they must leave their signature on the blog Titled Rule agreement.
4. Check age, 15 is the limit.
5. Any concerns you have please speak to the GM. Thank you :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

This is the Elite Alliance Mascot, Max!
He is fierce!


  1. woohoo we gotta mascot! So mighty n powerful he'll cuddle u to death haha

    Angel Heartrage ;)

  2. He'a adorable!

    -Tobias O'hazzard

  3. lol he'll be awesome as a figurehead!

